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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2015Animal model of acute gout reproduces the inflammatory and ultrasonographic joint changes of human goutPineda C.,
2016Antioxidant properties of a ginkgo biloba leaf extract (egb 761) in animal models of alzheimer's and parkinson's diseasesRojas Carolina
2013Biotinidase knockout mice show cellular energy deficit and altered carbon metabolism gene expression similar to that of nutritional biotin deprivation: Clues for the pathogenesis in the human inherited disorderHernández Vázquez A
2014Caenorhabditis elegans: Un modelo útil para estudiar los trastornos metabólicos en los que el estrés oxidativo es un factor contribuyenteMoreno Arriola E
2012Contaminación bacteriana experimental de bilis e hígado en perros criollos. Tratamiento alternativo con (cefalona), un híbrido de cefalosporina y fluoroquinolonaCarmona Mancilla A
2015Cross Talk between Proliferative, Angiogenic, and Cellular Mechanisms Orchestred by HIF-1α in PsoriasisTorales Cardeña, Azael
2012Effect of a phytopharmaceutical medicine, Ginko biloba extract 761, in an animal model of Parkinson's disease: Therapeutic perspectivesRojas, Patricia
2013Effect of the plasmid-DNA vaccination on macroscopic and microscopic damage caused by the experimental chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection in the canine model.Rodríguez Morales Olivia
2008Experimental hemolysis model to study bilirubin encephalopathy in rat brainMejia GB
2012Experimental models of developmental hypothyroidismArgumedo GS
2011Identification of Helicobacter pylori Strain cagPAI+ and cagPAI- Antigens by IgG Antibodies from Sera of Experimentally Colonized Meriones unguiculatus (Mongolian gerbils)Zárate Aquino Carmen
2008Immunoreactive vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and vasopressin cells after a protein malnutrition diet in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the ratRojas Castañeda J
2008Lesiones anatomopatológicas hepáticas por la obstrucción de la vía biliar extrahepática en ratonesJuárez Olguín, Mateo Hugo
2013Modulation of antioxidant enzymatic activities by certain antiepileptic drugs (valproic acid, oxcarbazepine, and topiramate): evidence in humans and experimental models.Cárdenas Rodríguez, Noemí
2016Mouse model of congenital infection with a non-virulent Toxoplasma gondii strain: Vertical transmission, "sterile" fetal damage, or both?Vargas Villavicencio, José Antonio
2008Patogenia de Salmonella enteritidis FT 13a y Salmonella enteritidis biovar Issatschenko en pollos de engordaRuiz Flores, Griselda
2011Protective effect of α-tocopherol on damage to rat testes by experimental cryptorchidism.Vigueras Villaseñor, Rosa María
2011Reversibility of hepatic histological damage after surgical temporary obstruction of the common bile duct in a murine modelJuárez Olguín, Mateo Hugo
2013Role of oxidative stress in refractory epilepsy: evidence in patients and experimental models.Cárdenas Rodríguez, Noemí
2004Testicular torsion and its effects on the spermatogenic cycle in the contralateral testis of the ratVigueras Villaseñor, Rosa María