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2015Acute restraint stress reduces hippocampal oxidative damage and behavior in rats: Effect of S-allyl cysteineColín González Ana Laura
2007Adrenaline stimulates H2O2 generation in liver via NADPH oxidaseDíaz Cruz A., Guinzberg R.,
2015Adult Onset-Hypothyroidism: Alterations in Hippocampal Field Potentials in the Dentate Gyrus are Largely Associated with Anaesthesia-Induced HypothermiaSánchez Huerta, Karla
2007Air pollution alters brain and pituitary endothelin-1 and inducible nitric oxide synthase gene expressionThomson E.M.,
2011Alterations in the spermatic function generated by obesity in ratsVigueras Villaseñor, Rosa María
2015Alternative kynurenic acid synthesis routes studied in the rat cerebellum.Blanco Ayala T
2015Analysis of Cyp2b1 gene expression in the rat liver and brain by multiplex PCRVanoye Carlo, America
2016Antineoplastic copper coordinated complexes (Casiopeinas) uncouple oxidative phosphorylation and induce mitochondrial permeability transition in cardiac mitochondria and cardiomyocytesSilva Platas, C
2015Biotin deprivation impairs mitochondrial structure and function and has implications for inherited metabolic disordersOchoa Ruiz, Estefanía
2005Brain thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in rats after short periods of ozone exposureEscalante Membrillo C
2006Cardiotoxicity of copper-based antineoplastic drugs casiopeinas is related to inhibition of energy metabolismHernández Esquivel L
2004Comparative effect of cyanamide and sodium nitroprusside on indolamine and lipid peroxidation levels in rat brainCalderón Guzmán, David
2013Contributions of microdialysis to new alternative therapeutics for hepatic encephalopathyRivera Espinosa, Liliana
2015Cytochrome c release from rat liver mitochondria is compromised by increased saturated cardiolipin species induced by sucrose feedingRuiz Ramírez Angélica
2000Disminución del número de espinas dendríticas en las neuronas piramidales de la corteza motora de ratas bajo estrés prenatalSicilia Argumedo, Gloria
2007Efecto antioxidante de nuevo esteroide sintético (4-cloro-17-acetoxi-4-pregnen-3,20-diona) en cerebro de ratas adultasGuzman, David C
2004Efecto de la desnutrición pre y posnatal y la exposición posnatal a vapores de tolueno sobre el desempeño campo abierto en ratasValenzuela Peraza, Armando
2011Effect of cerebrolysin on the levels of glutathione and 5-HT in different regions of rat brain in presence of dantroleneHernández García Ernestina
2011Effect of flutamide and two novel synthetic steroids on GABA, glutamine and some oxidative stress markers in rat brain and prostateCalderón Guzmán, David
2011Effect of oseltamivir and oligoelements on the levels of 5-hiaa and calcium in brain of young ratsCalderón Guzmán, David