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Título : Estudio comparativo para bloqueo caudal en niños con bupivacaína y ropivacaína
Comparative study for caudal block in children with bupivacaine and ropivacaine
Creador: Reyes Reyes, Beatriz del Carmen
Nivel de acceso: Open access
Palabras clave : Anestesia local
Anesthesia, Local
Bloqueo caudal
caudal blockade
Descripción : We made a comparative study using bupivacaine at 0.5% and ropivacaine at 0.25%. Method: 20 patients were included in each group, ASA 1, ASA II, for ambulatory surgery; surgical and anesthetic time, and also hemodynamic variables were estimated. Results: there were not significan! differences, except in the time for recovery, it was greater in the group with bupivacaine, as far as 180 minutes, in the meanwhile, in the group with rupivacaine the time for recovery was 60 minutes in average. Other advantage is that rupivacaine doesn't cause motor blockade and gives long postoperatory analgesia; we did not use any analgesic in both groups. Conclusions: we conclude that the rupivacaine use will bring great benefits in hospital permanence and economy for human and material recourses
Colaborador(es) u otros Autores: Castillo Peralta Luz Antonia
Fecha de publicación : 2003
Tipo de publicación: Otros
Formato: pdf
URI : http://repositorio.pediatria.gob.mx:8180/handle/20.500.12103/1212
Idioma: spa
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis

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